IN LAST week’s article, we talked about the
taxability of donations given the recent outpouring of compassionate
aid for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda last month, as well as the
victims of the Bohol earthquake in October.
We now look at the other side of the coin.
In light of these catastrophes, this is an opportune time to remind
affected businesses of the requisites for the deductibility of casualty
losses for income tax purposes in time for the year-end closing of the
The Tax Code allows the deduction from gross income of casualty losses
arising from damage to or loss of property used in business, to the
extent that these are not compensated for by insurance or other forms of
indemnity, and subject to compliance with certain requirements as
outlined in RMO No. 31-09, dated Oct. 16, 2009.
To be deductible, casualty losses must be incurred on properties that
are actually used in business. These properties must have been properly
reported as part of the taxpayer’s assets in the accounting records and
financial statements in the year immediately preceding the occurrence of
the loss, with the cost of acquisition clearly established and
recorded. The deduction of the losses must be properly recorded in the
accounting reports, with the adjustment of the applicable accounts.
Within 45 days from the date of the event causing the loss, a sworn
declaration of loss must be filed with the nearest BIR Revenue District
Office (RDO) in the BIR-prescribed format, stating the nature of the
event that gave rise to the loss and time of its occurrence; description
and location of damaged properties; items needed to compute the loss
such as the cost or other basis of the properties, any depreciation
allowed, value of properties before and after the event, and cost of
repair; and the amount of insurance or other compensation received or
The sworn declaration must be accompanied by the audited financial
statements for the preceding year and copies of any insurance policies
covering the concerned properties. Failure to submit the sworn
declaration within the prescribed 45-day period may result in the
disallowance of the loss claimed.
For businesses affected by typhoon Yolanda, the sworn declaration must
be filed on or before Dec. 23, 2013.For businesses affected by the
earthquake, such sworn declaration should have been filed on or before
Nov. 29, 2013.
In addition, proof of the elements of the losses claimed, such as, but
not limited to, photographs of the properties before and after the
event, documentary evidence of the cost of the properties, police
reports in case of robbery or theft during the calamity and/or as a
consequence of looting, etc. may be required to substantiate the loss.
Taxpayers who have lost their books of accounts and accounting records
must also report this to the BIR.
Looking at the above requirements, securing the proper substantiation
would seem to be a tedious task, particularly photographs of the
properties before the event. Considering this requirement, it may be
prudent for business owners to now consider taking pictures of business
properties as part of their year-end activities, similar to
inventory-taking. Tedious though it may be, businessmen are reminded
that when a company claims casualty losses as a tax deduction in its
income tax return, the BIR will certainly look for the proper
documentation to substantiate and justify the deduction. The rule always
is that tax deductions are in the nature of tax exemptions, which are
always construed in favor of the government and against the taxpayer.
The burden of proof that one is entitled to a tax deduction therefore
lies with the taxpayer.
Please note also that the RMO explicitly states that the amount of loss
that is compensated for by insurance should not be claimed as a
deductible loss. If the insurance proceeds exceed the net book value of
the damaged or lost assets, they shall be subject to regular income tax,
but not VAT, since the indemnification is not an actual sale of goods
by the insured company to the insurance company.
In this connection, the proper timing to deduct casualty losses pending
finality of the amount of insurance claims is also a potential issue.
The reality is that insurance companies take time to respond to claims
filed considering the volume of claims received following a calamity and
the need to verify the losses incurred by the insured. For instance, if
a taxpayer incurs a casualty loss in 2013, but the final amount of
indemnity from the insurance company is known only in 2014 (after the
filing of the 2013 ITR), can the taxpayer deduct the entire amount of
loss in 2013 and declare the entire insurance proceeds as income in
2014? Again, this would largely depend on the factual circumstances and
documentation available.
Notwithstanding the tax relief granted for casualty losses for purposes
of the regular 30% corporate income tax (or the 5% -- 32% personal
income tax rates, in the case of single proprietorships), the law
requires certain formalities to be complied with so as to safeguard
against possible abuses. Affected businesses should avoid a situation
where anticipated tax deductions are lost due to mere failure to comply
with substantiation requirements. Worse, the taxpayer may end up needing
to pay deficiency taxes plus penalties, which would compound the
casualty loss.
Cheryl Edeline C. Ong is a tax senior director of SGV & Co.
(In last week’s article, it was noted that should donations given to the
government not qualify in the foregoing criteria, or are not made to
accredited NGOs, the donations shall only be deductible to the extent of
10% of the donation, in case of individuals or 5%, for corporations. It
should read “10% of the taxable income of corporations and 5% for
This article is for general information only and is not a substitute for
professional advice where the facts and circumstances warrant. The
views and opinion expressed above are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent the views of SGV & Co.
source: Businessworld
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