THE BUREAU of Internal Revenue (BIR) has
identified initiatives to be included in a 2013-2016 reform plan aimed
at improving the government’s tax administration system.
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) 29-2013,
dated Oct. 25 but made public only last week, states that “a List of
Reform Projects to be included in the Reform Master Plan was approved by
the Reform Steering Committee on Sept. 26, 2013, after consultation and
validation from concerned Deputy Commissioners and Assistant
“The Reform Projects were derived from the BIR Strategic Plan for ...
2011-2016, Priority Projects for ... 2013 and proposed for 2014, BIR
Framework for Information Systems and other recent emerging
priorities...,” it adds.
Forty-four ongoing and proposed initiatives were identified.
For taxpayer services, among the ongoing projects are the establishment
of eLounges in each revenue district office, a public awareness
campaign, expansion of International Organization of Standardization
(ISO) certification to other revenue districts and the redesign of some
of the bureau’s forms.
Another proposed project is an online accreditation system for importers and brokers.
For registration, the BIR is working on the taxpayer information update
program. It is likewise proposing a sales data controller system, which
will be piloted in gas stations.
Ongoing projects concerning filing and payment include the
centralization of document processing to regional offices,
implementation of a security tax stamp system for cigarettes and an
online system for transfer tax transactions.
Targeted for rollout is a system for the automated computation of the
internal revenue allotment of local government units as well as tax
payments via credit cards.
The bureau also wants to expand the ongoing computerization of its value-added tax and comprehensive audit programs.
For collection enforcement, among the proposed projects are the
development of systems for the management of forfeited assets and the
online submission and processing of tax clearances for bidding purposes.
The bureau is likewise expanding its own internal support programs to
make processes more efficient via the development of a workflow
management system and an ongoing overhaul of its electronic tax
information system.
The BIR, the government’s main revenue agency, took in P1.12 trillion as
of November, up 15.54% from the same period last year and surpassing
the full 2012 total of P1.058 trillion. The amount, however, was short
of the 11-month goal of P1.16 trillion.
It must now collect P133 billion in December to meet its full-year target of P1.253 trillion. -- Bettina Faye V. Roc
source: Businessworld
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