It has come to the attention of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue that there is ongoing misinformation as with
regard to the effect of the decision of Officemetro Philippines, Inc.
with regard to condominiums. The decision is a decision of an division
of the Court of Tax Appeal and which will be appealed by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue to the Court En Banc by way of a motion for
reconsideration. It is not a decision of the Supreme Court as some
quarters would like people to believe.
In the case of Officemetro Philippines,
Inc. (formerly Regus Centres, Inc.) vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, CTA Case No. 8382, June 3, 2014, the Court of Tax Appeals –
Third Division (CTA) ruled that condominium dues billed to Officemetro
in 2005 are not subject to expanded withholding tax (EWT). The case does
not in anyway involved the issue of value added tax.
In support of the said decision, the CTA
cited several BIR Rulings, issued from 2004 to 2009, wherein the BIR
held that “association/condominium dues, membership fees and other
assessment/charges collected from the members, which are merely held in
trust and which are to be used solely for administrative expenses in
implementing their purpose(s), viz., to protect and safeguard
the welfare of the owners, lessees and occupants; provide utilities and
amenities for their members, and from which the corporation could not
realize any gain or profit as a result of their receipt thereof, must
not be included in said corporation’s gross income. This means that the
same are not subject to income tax and to withholding tax.”
The BIR rulings cited in the CTA
Decision are in contrast with BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC)
065-2012 wherein the BIR pronounced that since the association dues,
membership fees, and other assessments/charges collected by a
condominium corporation constitute income payments or compensation for
beneficial services it provides to its members and tenants, then the
gross receipts of condominium corporations including association dues,
membership fees, and other assessments/charges are subject to VAT,
income tax and EWT.The CTA Decision is now the subject of a pending
Motion for Reconsideration filed by the BIR before the same CTA
However, the CTA Division did not rule
on the validity of RMC 065-2012. Therefore, RMC 065-2012 is the
prevailing rule today andall concerned taxpayers are required to comply
with the provisions of RMC 065-2012.
source: Department of Finance