AS the April 15 filing deadline of income
tax returns (ITRs) for taxable year 2013 draws near, taxpayers are
advised to prepare as early as now rather than suffer the inconveniences
encountered when trying to beat the deadline.
The tax season is the busiest time of the
year, not only for accountants who prepare the ITRs, but also for all
taxpayers (individual and corporate) who are obliged to file with the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) on or before April 15 every year for
income earned during the calendar year ending Dec. 31.
This is also the best time for us taxpayers to do our share in paying
the right taxes. The BIR’s 2014 tax campaign theme sums up the basic
steps that a taxpayer needs to follow to be able to comply with his/her
obligation of paying correct taxes for our nation: “I LOVE THE
PHILIPPINES, I Pay My Taxes Right. It’s as Easy as RFP (Register, File
and Pay).”
Filing ITRs need not be a daunting task as long as you have your records in order and you follow the filing guidelines below:
1. Use of the new ITR forms. For this filing season, taxpayers
are required to use the June 2013 enhanced version of the ITR as
prescribed by Revenue Regulations No. (RR) 2-2014.
Except for some enhancements, the ITR forms remain the same for
individuals earning purely compensation income (BIR Form 1700) and for
self-employed individuals, estates and trusts (BIR Form 1701).
For corporations, partnerships, and other non-individual taxpayers, the
forms to be used shall be BIR Form 1702-RT if taxable income for the
year is subject only to the regular income tax rate; BIR Form 1702-EX if
taxpayer is exempt under the Tax Code and other special laws, with no
other taxable income; or BIR Form 1702-MX for taxpayers with mixed
income subject to multiple income tax rates or with income subject to
special/preferential rate.
2. Modes of preparation and filing. The continuous enhancement
and development of electronic services (e-Services) by the BIR has
brought about the use of Electronic BIR Forms (eBIRForms) as an
additional mode of filing for non-eFPS (non-Electronic Filing and
Payment System) taxpayers pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Order No. (RMO)
24-2013 in relation to Revenue Memorandum Circular No. (RMC) 61-2012.
Non-eFPS taxpayers now have the option to either prepare the ITRs
manually through pre-printed forms/printed downloadable PDF/Excel forms
available at the BIR Web site, or electronically through the eBIRForms
Offline Package v4.1 (with Annual ITRs v2013 ENCS).
The advantage of using the eBIRForms Offline Package is its capability
to automatically compute the taxes due as well as validate the
information provided by the taxpayers. Thus, ITR preparation becomes a
breeze for those who opt to do it electronically. Upon downloading the
eBIRForms package from the BIR Web site, taxpayers are guided through
the process by the detailed instructions that come with it.
After filling up the electronic ITR form, the taxpayer can validate,
edit, submit, save, print and produce a final copy of the form.
Submission of these forms will only be allowed after the form has been
completed and validated. Once validated, the taxpayer may now submit
online either through the e-Submission or eFPS facility of the BIR.
However, for the time being, online submission is not yet available for
ITRs generated from the eBIRForms offline package. Hence, non-eFPS
taxpayers are required to submit manually to the BIR the printed copy of
the computer-generated ITR with the following specifications: folio
size bondpaper (8.5” x 13”), portrait orientation/layout with the
following margins: left, 0.146 inches; right, 0.148 inches; top, 0.14
inches; and bottom, 0.14 inches. The printed ITR forms should be
originally signed by the taxpayer or his/her authorized representative
pursuant to Bank Bulletin No. (BB) 2014-08 in relation to RMC 61-2012.
3. Modes of payment. Payment of the income tax may either be
manual or electronic for non-eFPS taxpayers. Manual payment will be made
through any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) within the jurisdiction of
their registered Revenue District Office (RDO) or the Revenue Collection
Officers (RCOs), as applicable. On the other hand, electronic payment
can be made via mobile phone through G-Cash for tax returns not
exceeding P10,000 as prescribed by RMO 20-2005.
Payments with the AABs will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., April 1-15, to
better serve the needs of the taxpayers during this income tax filing
season. Two or more checks and/or a combination of cash and checks in
paying for a single tax liability will be allowed pursuant to RR
For ITRs without payment, it shall be filed at the respective RDO having jurisdiction over the taxpayer.
4. Receiving rules of the ITR. Only three copies of the returns
are allowed to be stamped “received” with the official BIR seal by all
AABs. However, for those filing with BIR Revenue Region No. 2
(Cordillera Administrative Region), Revenue Region No. 7 (Quezon City)
and Revenue Region No. 9 (San Pablo City), only two copies of the ITRs
shall be received.
In the case of corporations and other juridical persons who are required
to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), two extra
copies of the audited financial statements for filing with the SEC shall
be stamped “received”. The BIR seal shall only be stamped on the page
of the Audit Certificate, Balance Sheet and the Income Statement. Other
pages of the financial statement and its attachments shall not be
To fully appreciate the filing process, early preparation is an
advantage. As Alexander Graham Bell once said: “Before anything else,
preparation is the key to success.”
The author is a senior at the Cebu branch of Punongbayan &
Araullo’s tax advisory and compliance division. P&A is a member firm
within Grant Thornton International Ltd.
source: Businessworld
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