THE MAGNITUDE-7.2 quake that struck Visayas
the other day was shocking to say the least, as it decimated
centuries-old churches and other structures. It has been compared to the
force of 32 nuclear bombs dropped over Hiroshima, Japan during the
Second World War.
Not everyone knows what to do during an
earthquake. Do you run outside? Do you stand under a doorway or crawl
under a table? Knowing what to do could spell a world of difference in
terms of your safety. In other words, knowing the procedures is crucial
as not following them could cost you dearly.
Similarly, there are proper steps to be taken when a taxpayer wants to
dispute or nullify an adverse ruling issued by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR). Given that the BIR continues to issue rulings, circulars
and regulations that have adverse implications, taxpayers must be aware
of how to properly avail of possible remedies. One misstep can lead to
your case being dismissed based on procedural grounds and not even on
the merits of the ruling or regulation you are contesting.
In fact, just recently, the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) had no choice but
to dismiss a couple of petitions filed by taxpayers requesting the
invalidation of unfavorable rulings issued to them by the BIR. This was
because one taxpayer failed to exhaust available administrative remedies
and because, in both cases, the CTA has no jurisdiction over such
So, how should we go about protesting unfavorable tax rulings?
First, one must observe the requirement to exhaust all available
administrative remedies (although there are exceptions to this rule).
Under the Tax Code, the BIR Commissioner has the exclusive and original
jurisdiction to interpret tax laws, subject to the review of the
Secretary of Finance. Since all rulings are now signed by the BIR
Commissioner, a taxpayer who receives an adverse ruling can seek its
review by the Secretary of Finance within 30 days of receiving the
The Department of Finance prescribes strict guidelines that must be
followed in appealing an adverse tax ruling. These include information
that must be reflected in the request for review, and even guidance on
formatting requirements. Only upon receiving the ruling of the Secretary
of Finance can the taxpayer be considered as having exhausted all
available administrative remedies. Generally, only then can the taxpayer
raise the issue before the courts.
This doctrine of exhausting all available administrative remedies before
seeking judicial intervention is based on jurisprudence and on
practical grounds. It costs less, and ideally, provides for faster
disposition of issues. It is based on the underlying presumption that,
if given the chance, the concerned administrative agency will decide on
the matter correctly and will rectify its own error, if necessary.
What about disputing regulations and circulars that are issued to the general public?
Since the Supreme Court has held that revenue regulations and revenue
memorandum circulars are actually rulings or opinions of the BIR
Commissioner, any attempts to challenge such issuances may also follow
the same steps as when one is disputing an adverse ruling. While
circulars are already issued by the Commissioner, it would appear from
the arguments raised by the BIR in a recent tax court decision that in
seeking to nullify a tax issuance, the BIR expects taxpayers to first
file a request for reconsideration with the Commissioner, before
appealing to the Secretary of Finance.
Once the case is ripe for judicial remedy, to which court should taxpayers raise their appeal?
Based on jurisprudence, the CTA’s jurisdiction to resolve tax disputes
does not include cases which cover the validity or constitutionality of a
law, or a rule or regulation issued by an administrative agency in the
performance of its quasi-legislative function. The determination of
whether an administrative issuance has gone beyond the law falls within
the jurisdiction of the regular courts. So, in challenging the validity
of tax rulings, regulations or circulars issued by the BIR, taxpayers
should seek judicial remedy from the regular courts, and not from the
Einstein is quoted as saying: “Imagination is more important than
knowledge.” While there are areas of taxation that may benefit from
innovation, imagination and creativity, remedial procedures are not one
of them. Filing appeals within the deadline and at the right venue is
essential to a successful dispute. After all, you don’t want to be all
dressed to the nines and then realize too late that you’ve gone to the
wrong party.
The author is an executive director at the tax services department of
Isla Lipana & Co., the Philippine member firm of the
PricewaterhouseCoopers global network. Readers may call 845-2728 or
e-mail the author at for questions or feedback.
Views or opinions presented in this article are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of Isla Lipana & Co.
The firm will not accept any liability arising from the article.
source: Businessworld
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